Friday, February 19, 2010

Mainan Edukatif Oxford Blocks

Menyediakan aneka jenis mainan anak, mainan Untuk PAUD, mainan edukatif, dan alat permainan edukatif/ alat peraga TK edukatif yang bermanfaat, untuk bayi, anak-anak. Dan juga sedia mainan untuk mengasah otak/logika untuk remaja sampai dewasa. Selamat berbelanja ...

Mainan edukatif ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang mempunyai anak berusia 3 bulan-5 tahun. Dapat mengembangkan daya imajinasi anak dan membantu perkembangan syaraf motorik anak, dengan mainan ini anak anda bisa mempelajari jenis-jenis warna dan berkreasi dalam menyusun balok balok, Terbuat dari bahan yang aman dan berkualitas tinggi.

BEBE is the baby block to develop the various senses through the clear color and the interesting shape.

BEBE block such as Bug friends, Fruit basket, Melody car and Animal friends will be the first toy for our babies with the safe size to fit baby ' s hands and the safe material.

To develop the control ability of eye and hands is the one of the most important task within 1 year after the baby ' s birth.

BEBE block is stackable one by one is the good way to develop the ability of sight and tactual sense at the same time.

● How to choose?
Please choose the clear color and the round shaped interesting block. The edge must be not sharp and it must be easy to put and off. The familiar item to babies is good such as Animal, Train, Ship, Airplane and Melody car.
Especially Melody and the instrument toy can give an impulse to children ' s curiosity.

● Instruction for children ' s mom.
1. Please let baby to listen to the rhythm. Later they can learn language easily.
Because the rhythm from mom includes the natural language rhythm.
2. Please tell baby a story to imagine naturally by Train, airplane and ship with figures. And to stack up is better than to make some shape by using blocks. So far only to hold block by hands would be good study to children.

● How to clean?
Please scrub by the brush. If the dirty is serious, please use the warm water(Below 40 ˚ c) with the detergent for Toy. And rinse by the clean water.


Baby can put the blocks each other because the muscle of hands grows well at this time. The simple and big block has some projections is good to choose. The block is like a swing, people and animal so children feel familiar. Please make the simple shape such as a house, airplane and car.

● How to choose?
The size and shape is simple. And the color is clear. This kind of block is good to choose. The simple shaped block children can imagine is good.

● Instruction for children ' s mom.
1. Please let them to count the number of blocks. “ Can you give me 2 yellow blocks? ” , “ I ' ll give you 2 blue blocks ” Through the this kind of conversation, Let ' s try to learn the color and the concept of the number.
2. To make the color plate by pasting the color paper and to find the same color block is to develop the concept of color.

● How to clean?
There would be dust between the projections. So every a month put the blocks into the warm water(below 40 ˚ C) with the detergent for Toy for few minutes then scrub by the brush.

Untuk pemesanan hubungi: 081807492676

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Tertarik memesan: Hubungi 081807492676

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